RWA Ownables
Hello, this is a placeholder for the Michael Jordan RWA campaign.
1. Head over to the play-store or app-store to download the “LTO WALLET” depending on your OS.
Please download the Universal Wallet here:
2. Open the Wallet and click on the QR-Code icon

3. Click on the scan qr button

4. Click on Claim

5. Complete the process by clicking on “Done”

6. Head over to the ownables screen and click on the “+” Icon and click on the “receive ownables” button.
Note: Your ownables might get to you in about a minute.

7. Once downloaded. Viola you can now see your ownables on the “ownables screen”

8. Click on your Jordan Ownable to see the details panel. Click on redeem to exchange your Jordan for an LTO reward!

9. Click on “redeem”, wait and follow through the process to get your reward.
(Don’t leave the screen until your get a message that the process was successful)